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Grow a profitable business
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Meet other female founders

If you’re a female or non-binary founder looking for a  supportive community that drives real business results, then Female Founders Rise is for you.

Our mission is clear: we want to see female founders build profitable, long-term businesses.

We connect female founders throughout the UK for collaboration, support and growth. A mega network of incredible women.

We acknowledge the significant benefits that female-led businesses bring to society, the economy, and the environment.

We empower women to build successful businesses together.

Are you looking to start,
build and potentially raise capital for a business growth?


What our members say

Nice to meet you

Did you know that female founders get way fewer opportunities than male founders?

In 2022, less than 2p in every £1 invested went to all-female teams, compared to 85p for all-male teams. But here’s the cool part: companies led by women actually do better!

We’re on a mission to shake things up and support more women with their business growth.

Come and join us 👋

Trusted online resources, events and support.
Taking you to the next level and setting yourself up for


Latest Resources

Female Founders Directory

We recently launched the Female Founders Directory to showcase over 300 service-based female founded businesses with the aim of helping companies diversify their supplier list.

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